Tuesday 6 January 2015

Marvel excitement!!!

This morning I decided to start off my day with the commencing of this blog while watching Guardians of the Galaxy and humming to myself the upbeat and addictive 'Come and get Your Love' by Redbone as Peter Quill dances his way to the infinity stone. 

Throughout watching the movie I couldn't help but sit back and just ponder about all of the upcoming Marvel movies until May 2019 which had been revealed recently at the Marvel Studio's special event held at the El Capitan Theater in Hollywood (shown below).

I lost count of the amount of times in which I had watched over the Marvels Studio announcement event and trailers attempting to get as much information as possible out of it. Being a Marvel enthusiast having grown up reading the comics and still to this date having a large digital collection. I can't explain how much I (weirdly) enjoy attempting to figure out what will be involved in each movie from what I already know.

The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy definitely kicked off the beginning of Marvel movies combining however the upcoming Avengers 2: Age of Ultron will definitely open up the doors to the Marvel universe making an amazing second showing on the screens worldwide instead of on paper. The movies really do have big shoes to fill after all of the Marvel comics, but up until now all of the movies have come up to par so far, therefore I can only seem them getting better.

Out of all of this the only two trailer clips that have got me extremely giddy are one from the Avengers 2: Age of Ultron trailer in which Ultron at the end says 'There are no strings on me...' in such a mechanical and mysterious voice and his red eyes shine immensely. 

(Ultron in the closing clip of Avengers 2: Age of Ultron trailer)

(Ultron's appearance as the Ruler of the Phalanx)

The second trailer clip which has got me most excited for the future of all of the Marvel movies is the Avengers: Infinity War part 1 and 2 trailer clip in which the death addict titan Thanos possessing the Infinity Gauntlet therefore all of the world destroying infinity gems. From that one clip, it is possible to figure out what will be coming up in the upcoming movies, therefore simply....EXCITEMENT BUILDING!

(Thanos possessing the Infinity Gauntlet at the ending of the Avengers: Infinity War part 1 and 2 trailer)

Starting up

I'm new to all of this however have always been interested in getting involved in blogging so I apologize for any mistakes I make....here we go!

My blogging will be focused on gaming industry news, video games, movies, everyday life and anything.