

I am Matt, I been working hard and into the late hours of every day for the past 4 years to get as many and as high as possible qualifications under my belt now while I'm younger so therefore life in the future will...hopefully...be a little bit easier.

I so far have just completed 4 years of university, worked on all aspects to do with video games; journalism, design, development, literature and much more.

I've always been interested in starting and keeping up a blog and I couldn't think of a better time than the opening of the new year 2015 to make a start. I'll be blogging about my life day by day, but focusing on modern entertainment, such as ; video games (and the industry), movies, TV series and technology.

Let's see how this goes and hopefully I'll eventually gain a better understanding of blogging while further developing a number of different skills. If you are interested in following and becoming a frequent reader, I hope you enjoy and get in contact with me if you have any issues, comments or queries.

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