Thursday 12 March 2015

Recently I have become a voluntary contributor for XTGN, Xtreme gaming news. I submitted my first article and here it is. Original post is at the link at the bottom of the post.

Star Wars Battlefront – Rumours continue to grow

One of the most anticipated video games right now has reappeared in gaming news recently; DICE’s ‘Star Wars Battlefront‘, after EA and DICE have reportedly unveiled gameplay footage and details at the recent GDC 2015 event. After having kept any information on the game in development close to their chest, they have finally come out with details behind closed doors only for the eyes of a select few. However it has been revealed that the reaction of the attendees after watching the Star Wars Battlefront trailer was of a “standing ovation”.
The revealing of Star Wars Battlefront at GDC 2015 was confirmed by the EA CEO Peter Moore. This was done through a tweet mentioning a positive reaction to DICE’s progression:

It was also mentioned that this gameplay footage in which a select few were shown will be available to the public soon, most likely through the E3 event in June. Since the revealing of some information the gaming world has been on a rumour frenzy attempting to figure out the details of the games such as; which movies will be involved in the gameplay? Locations? Characters? Vehicles? Weapons? Etc
Hopefully this will all be revealed soon enough meaning that the excitement of the wait for the release date reveal can begin. However thankfully The Christian Post has previously reported that the new game is confirmed to be released approximately December 2015 and would likely coincide with the release of the much awaited movie “Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens.”.

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